I am a Year 4 student at Glen Innes School in Auckland, New Zealand and my teacher is Ms Kumar.
Tuesday, 10 December 2019
Monday, 9 December 2019
My Christmas Presents
On Wednesday the 4th we got expensive presents from a company called Fletcher buildings.
Firstly, Our teacher told us we were going to get presents before lunch but only year 0 - 4 can get presents. Right after lunch we were so excited and confused at the same time because we were wondering why are we getting our christmas presents so early ? When we were about to go to the hall with Rm 9 to get our presents Rm 4 was in their getting their presents so we had to wait quite a while so we started talking to each other while we were waiting for Rm 4 to get their presents.
Next Rm 4 came out of the hall and they got some presents and some stuffed animals and they were super happy. When Rm 4 got their presents and went back to their class. Rm 9 and us were so excited to see what we got even though it was wrapped, Mrs kumar said we can open it in our class as long as we clean our Mess.
Then Mr Steve was calling some names out and then my name was called out last but then I thought I wasn’t going to get a present but I did my name just got called out last. When we finished getting our presents we went to class and Mrs kumar said we can open our presents.
Then Mr Steve was calling some names out and then my name was called out last but then I thought I wasn’t going to get a present but I did my name just got called out last. When we finished getting our presents we went to class and Mrs kumar said we can open our presents.
Finally, for my present I got a Pencil case, faltips, a cute little cat that is baby pink, My personal diary, Hair and body wash, a big popsicle floaty, something to soothe my lips out and an islander bag. I felt super excited and happy at the same time because I never knew that we were going to get our christmas presents so early but I was so happy.
Friday, 6 December 2019
Equal Pay For Equal Work
Why Women Should Get The Same Amount Of Money As Men.
Why ?
Women should get more money than men because women train equally hard and work hard. The NZ black ferns (women) won 5 times in the rugby world cup.
Why Not ?
Mens vs a lot of tough people and they train very hard and they earn to get more money.
Thursday, 5 December 2019
Wednesday, 4 December 2019
My Pepeha
Kia ora tātou Greetings all
Ko Mt Wellington te maunga
Ko Tamaki River te awa
Nō New Zealand ahau
Ko ... tōku whānau
family name
Ko Ahou tōku ingoa
first name
Today I did a Pepeha. I created my Pepeha using this Pepeha Website.
Tuesday, 3 December 2019
Thursday, 28 November 2019
Today me and my class finished off our Animation. My Animation was about trash and litter. We should not litter because if we litter we are killing the sea animals and that is not good because we want sea animals to live for a reason (we all got our own reasons so that's why we don't want to litter and kill the sea animals.) The Moral of my story I made up : We should not letter because if we letter we are killing the sea animals especially the turtles because if we throw away plastic it will end up in the ocean and then the turtles will think that it is a jellyfish but it is actually just plastic. Have fun and enjoy my short clip !
Monday, 18 November 2019
My Fish
Today we did some Cybersmart with Miss Grant. We learnt something new on Sumo paint. Miss Grant said that we have to make a Google drawing and save it in our Cybersmart folder and then click on tools then press explore. Once you get to explore you have to find any background you like for example the beach, pools, garden ocean and a few other things. You have to chose one of the pictured then you insert it on your Google Drawing. Once you have done that you have to go on Sumopaint.com then you have to create something related to your picture that you inserted. When you finished you have to download your picture you created then post it on your Google drawing and last post it on your blog.
Tuesday, 5 November 2019
Monday, 4 November 2019
Friday, 1 November 2019
My Henna
My Henna
My henna looked so incredible when my teacher put it on my hand !
On Wednesday the 30th of october, 2019 our teacher brought a Henna from her home so she can put it on us and design our hands just for Diwali but Diwali was on sunday but it is still fine. It was a very hot and sunny day.
Firstly we were all on our chromebooks and we were playing Coding. Before we were about to play coding our teacher told Pippa to go get Aahana because in the weekend on saturday Mrs Kumar put a Henna on her daughter and on sunday Aahana came to Mrs Kumar's house and Aahana was playing with Mrs Kumar’s Daughter and then Aahana saw Mrs Kumar's daughter’s Henna and Mrs Kumar asked Aahana if she wanted a Henna Like Mrs Kumar's daughter and Aahana said ’’sure ’’ so Mrs kumar put it on Aahana. When Aahana came she showed us her Henna on both of her hands and she went back to class.
Next, While we were playing Coding our teacher was calling some people one by one to get their Henna on their hands. When some of us finished getting our Henna we Mrs kumar, which is our teacher she said we can take some photos so we can write about it and post it on our blog.
Later we it was morning tea and the bell rang so we went to wash our hands but the people who had their Henna had to wash 1 hand so their Henna doesn't get ruined after we finished washing our hands we ate our morning tea. After that, morning tea was over, we went back to class and Mrs Kumar was finishing puting the Henna on who she didn’t put it on.
Finally Rm 11 came and Mrs Kumar asked them if they wanted a Henna and they said ’’sure’’ so Mrs Kumar put it on them and they liked it like how we liked it. I felt super happy about my henna because the way my teacher made the henna in a design it looked so incredible.
My Basic Facts
Today I did some Basic Facts in four minutes and Thirty five seconds. In my basic facts there was Groupings with 10, Groupings within 10 & 20, Doubles / Halves to 20, 10s & 100s, addition to 10 and subtraction to 10. I got 95 % and I am pretty happy about it because it is not that bad but you can learn more and more on different stages.
Tuesday, 29 October 2019
Rugby World Cup - Semi Finals
Rugby World Cup - Semi Finals
Vs First Semi - Finals
New Zealand
South Africa
Vs Second Semi - Final
I am Predicting that the New Zealand will win the First Semi - Final because the New Zealand win a lot of games and a lot of trophies.
I am also predicting that the second Semi - Final between South Africa and Wales, I think that South Africa will win because they have also won a lot of trophies and a lot of Rugby games.
Lastly I think the finals will be New Zealand vs South Africa, out of South Africa and New Zealand, I think South Africa will win because they are the best and I'm cheering for them.
Friday, 25 October 2019
Wednesday, 16 October 2019
My Morning Fitness
My Morning Fitness
Today we did a lot of fitness and I was so tired !!
Firstly, This morning today we went to the assembly place when the bell rang. Mr Hendricks was announcing some important announcements about some of the trips coming up. When he finished Mrs Kumar and Mrs Goundar said that we were going to the Junior’s to do fitness there.When we arrived at the Junior’s Mrs Kumar told as to run around the junior’s playground 2 times.
Then we finished running around the Junior’s playground we were so tired and we all sat down on the ground and we were waiting for the other kids from Room 8 and 9 to finish running around the playground. When they finished running around the playground we started our fitness.
After that we did 30 star jumps and Mrs kumar said ’’Room 9 on the right side and Room 8 on the left side and which class can do the best fitness.’’ Then Mrs Kumar said” To do thirty star jumps.’’ after we did thirty star jumps we did some sit ups and we had to get in pears and my buddy was Damani and we both did 15 sit ups each.
Finally we did 10 star jumps and we finished doing fitness Damani and Me, we felt so challenging because it was a little frustrating but we still did the fitness.
Pixlr Art
Yesterday I drew a Limo because I went inside a limo in the holidays and it was super fun and the music was so loud and it was a little bit hot inside the limo. I went with skids and a couple of my friends. It was so fun.
Tuesday, 15 October 2019
Japan Typhoon
Me and my friend Damani from my class we made a Google slide and it is about the Japan Typhoon and I felt so sad for the people in Japan because there was a Typhoon and 2 million people were asked to evacuate there houses
because the Typhoon was near them and if the Typhoon comes to there houses there will be a big incident.
Today and Loise from my class, we made a google slide and it was all about cancer and how we can save ourselves from cancer and what does cancer mean and we wrote all all of the cancer's in the world. Cancer means it is the name given to a collection of related diseases. In all types of cancer, some of the body's cells begin to divide without stopping and spread into surrounding tissues. Many cancers form solid tumors, which are masses of tissue. Cancers of the blood, such as leukemias, generally do not form solid tumors.
Thursday, 26 September 2019
Glen Innes
Tuesday, 24 September 2019
24 hour Footprint
I made this map with my class and we all created a Google drawing and made a map with some sites. We use Pixlr to create our trees and our map. I made this because this was the last week of school and the last day of Cybersmart. We went on our history to see some educational sites to put on our map.

Friends !!
I am writing about my friends. I like to play with them at school at lunch time and morning tea. We play lots of different games like tag and we sometimes like to colour and draw outside in the seniors and under a big tree. We sometimes go on the park and tell some stories. My friends names are Estalina, Sunita, Eloida, Jessie, Cassia, Ilasie, Pippa and Damani. Me and Sunita were friends since we were in Preschool and she is still my best friend.
The Best things I like about my Teacher!
What I like about my teacher is that she is very kind and helpful. She cares about my learning and everything. She is sometimes strict because she wants me to learn and get better. She teaches me Maths, Writing, Reading and Inquiry. My teacher is the best person in the world.
Monday, 23 September 2019
School !!
When it was the first day of school, it was a sunny day. Everyone was here and I was so excited to see what class I was in and who my teacher was. When our priceable called out what class we were in I was in Room 8 and my teacher was Mrs Kumar and she was so kind to us when we went in class all the tables were separate and Mrs Kumar decided to put all the tables in a group of four and my group was so kind and we worked together. Then it was Term 2 and I moved to a different group and they were also kind and very helpful because they help me and I help them. Then it was Term 3 and I moved to another group and it was in the left corner and they were super helpful and respectful.
When it was the first day of school, it was a sunny day. Everyone was here and I was so excited to see what class I was in and who my teacher was. When our priceable called out what class we were in I was in Room 8 and my teacher was Mrs Kumar and she was so kind to us when we went in class all the tables were separate and Mrs Kumar decided to put all the tables in a group of four and my group was so kind and we worked together. Then it was Term 2 and I moved to a different group and they were also kind and very helpful because they help me and I help them. Then it was Term 3 and I moved to another group and it was in the left corner and they were super helpful and respectful.
Friday, 20 September 2019
This is a poster of me and my class gardening. We were gardening some Cabbage, Cauliflower, Lettuce, Carrot Silverbeet, Spinach, Tomato and Capsicum. I planted some Spinach and we planted next to all the plants in the school. We planted with Miss Pat and Nia Jay from Room 11.
Wednesday, 18 September 2019
3 Food Groups
Today I made three slides about the 3 Food Groups and Fruits and Vegetables a very good for you, it is healthy and it can keep you fit and you can live long if you eat lots and lots of fruits and vegetables. Fats and sugars are not good because they can make you fat and you don't live long enough and if you eat to much sugar you want get fit but if you you eat healthy you will get super fit !
Extinct Farm Animals
Today I learnt something new. I learnt that Extinct means when there are a few animals left. I also learnt that animals might go extinct because no one wants to eat them. I used Google Slides to make this and it was so fun learning how to post it on my blog and let it play by itself the whole way. I also made this with my class and it is on there blogs too. Go have a look on their blogs their ones look so awesome.
Friday, 13 September 2019
Thursday, 12 September 2019
Happy Mother's Day
I made this card for my mum on Mother's Day and I used Google Drawing. She was so proud of me and she appreciated it. My teacher printed it and I took it home and gave it to my mum.
Home Hazards
My Flower
I made this flower and I used Google Drawing. I learnt that you can curve your line and make lots of different shapes.
Friday, 26 July 2019
Tuesday, 23 July 2019
Monday, 22 July 2019
Keyboard Queen
I have been learning Keyboard shortcuts. I used google Draw to create my poster. I also used webcam to take my photo.
Monday, 10 June 2019
Ki ora my name is Ahou.
Ki ora my name is Ahou. I am a year 4 in Glen Innes school. My family and I are from South Sudan. I have one brother and no sisters. I was born in New Zealand. I am named after my grandma. My brother and I love learning how to speak in our culture. My dad is in Australia because he works there. I like going anywhere with my family when we have enough money or if we are travelling.
My favourite subject is: maths and spelling.
My goals for this year: bringing healthy lunch to school and doing my learning at home all the time.
My favourite chapter book is : Star Friends Mirror Magic.
At the end of this year I want to get an academic award and to get that I need to work really hard. When I grow up I want to work at the Apple store or be a Dancer.
Friday, 17 May 2019
Blog Profile,
Smart Footprint,
Social Studies,
Te Reo Māori,
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